Our biggest dreams are to achieve success and happiness in our lives for many of us. For some people, it can be to own your own business, shift your career for the better, or even climb Mount Everest as I did. Whichever the goal you want to see for yourself is, our conditioned beliefs and societal conditions sometimes limit us from believing we can do certain things, especially for women. This is our self-limiting beliefs stepping in and stopping us from getting there.
Often we can find ourselves struggling to get past these self-limiting beliefs and asking how exactly do we get there? The answer is usually more straightforward than realizing that it starts and ends with us, but it can still be challenging to recognize that we are our limitations. Let’s explore how you can break through those self-limiting beliefs and adopt a “Yes I Can” mindset.
Self-Awareness Is Key
Everything you want is on the other side of fear. Ask yourself what false boundaries are keeping you from experiencing what is possible? The secret starts with knowing and understanding who you are and being aware of your habits and behaviors. Self-awareness is the ability to take an honest look at yourself and understand what you are good at, where your weaknesses lie, and how your behaviors affect others. Two people can go through the same event and have entirely different reactions. One person may see it as a chance to learn, while another may feel more pessimistic about it. That is the true power of self-awareness and mindset.
A fixed mindset and lack of authentic self-awareness will make you believe that your talents, intelligence, and abilities are fixed traits without development. A fixed mindset encourages avoidance versus growth. It leads people to focus on their flaws and weaknesses rather than cultivating their strengths, creativity, and talents. People who hold a fixed mindset often tend to avoid challenges since they believe that failure indicates a lack of ability. The result is that they avoid situations where they might fail altogether or play it safe so that they don’t make any mistakes.
Shifting Your Mindset
Growth mindset people embrace challenges because they’re an opportunity for growth and learning. Those with a growth mindset believe that success comes from hard work, learning, and perseverance — not just your ability or talent. Failure isn’t final or fatal to people with a growth mindset but rather a learning opportunity in disguise. They take more risks because they know that failure can be fuel for your fire rather than extinguish it.
When you embrace your self-awareness, it can help shift your mindset because you learn more about yourself and those around you. Your confidence will start to increase because when you are aware of your strengths and weaknesses, it becomes easier to accept yourself for who you really are.
Being on the mountain is emotional and physically challenging. It requires you to be far more self-aware of your mindset and limiting beliefs. Our mindset is so powerful that it has the ability to either hold us back or propel us forward. That is why it is crucial to examine the ways in which we think about ourselves and others around us and shift it when we are limiting our mindset from saying “yes I can.”. I recommend journaling to get your thoughts out to ensure your perspective stays realistic and optimistic.
Embracing Your “Yes I Can”
What does it mean to embrace a “Yes I can” mindset? It means that you’re choosing to believe that you are capable of great things and taking on new challenges as they arise. It means that you’re willing to fail and learn from your mistakes and move forward. If you want to be successful, you need to embrace this mindset. No matter what you aspire to achieve, adopting a “Yes I Can” attitude can help, you do it. When you believe in yourself and your abilities, everything is possible. You’ll be able to overcome obstacles, defeat negative thoughts and pursue your dreams with focus and determination. We can do hard things, you got this!
Simplify Setting Your Goals For Success
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