Humans have an interesting relationship with time. It can trap us, and it can drive us. It can move slow and fast. This time of year, with the holiday “rush” and a sense of desiring a strong “finish” to the year, I find it helpful to reflect and chunk out what can help my journey through time.
Like the seasons change, and like a business breaking up the year into quarterly goals, I have goals that I set for the year and themes I set by the month. Some goals are easier than others. For me, the achieving goals are easier than the “being” goals.
December was my month of intention. That meant SLOWING down, getting present, and trying to expand each moment. January is my month to visualize. I dream my life into existence by visualizing where I want to go, who I want be, and how I want to feel. Then, I articulate those visualizations with actions I believe will get me “there.”
This last week of December is about laying the year to rest, allowing me to charge forward into the New Year ready to and embrace those new nows. If I look at my weekly mantras, they fall in line with this…
I Embrace Change
The year is changing, and quite honestly, every moment of every day we are changing. Stopping to notice this, feel this, and surrender to the fact that Life is always changing allows me to calm myself when life “appears” to be changing faster than I desire, or in a way I “perceive” not to be in my best interest. I genuinely believe that all events in life are perfectly orchestrated for my best self. When I learn to embrace change, I can be fully present with what is happening in my life and make the most of it.
I Let Go of Negativity
More often than not, when I see something as negative, I am looking at it from too nearsighted a point of view. When I enter this kind of headspace, I practice remembering other perceived “negative” events and situations that ended up evolving to something positive and amazing. I try to un-learn the negativity in order to open up for more opportunity. As the year comes to an end, I sit with things I feel negative toward, and offer up space and peace to help them toward the bigger, grander plan of my life.
I Forgive Myself and Others.
HARD, HARD, HARD. Did I mention this is hard? I force myself to do it, otherwise I am living in the past and do not fully appreciate the gifts of today. I am a different person than I was a month ago and I know others are, as well. Forgiving yourself and others allows you to enter the New Year with so much Joy and Energy that is freshly freed up from holding on to past thoughts, actions, and perceived wrongs.
I Make Time for What is Important.
What a great thought to ring in the New Year! I make time, I have control, I choose, I get to select what is important to me… Once I select what’s important, I back it up with the action of spending time in alignment with what I choose. This selection carries me right into January, where I’ll visualize the year ahead.
2020 was a unique year for all of us. Our family was blessed with the gift of time together and the ability to SLOW down. We changed, we grew, and we are all better because of it. I know not everyone had the same experience. If you did have dark moments and experiences, I hope you can still find some silver linings… A New Year is ahead, and I wish for it to be full of YOU, celebrating YOU, doing YOU!
Presence over Presents
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