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The way we establish our goals can have a powerful effect on our success. When it comes to achieving more of the things we want to see in our lives, the methods by which we set our goals often holdS the key to our success. Practical goal-setting practices can help us plan more efficiently, stay motivated, and achieve better results. The approach we take in the setting and taking action to achieve our goals will make all the difference to whether or not we attain them. I recently spoke at a webinar discussing my favorite small life hacks and methods to succeed at my goals. Today, I wanted to share them with all of you too. 

Make Goal Setting PART OF Your Livelihood

One of the greatest lessons I had learned during my time back when I was a college athlete and studying finance was how important our habits impact our goal setting. After college, getting into the financial services industry was a big goal to accomplish for me. I wanted to create a career and business that turned setting financial plans for clients my livelihood. Focusing on that goal and creating the tangible habits to branch me into the industry was crucial to making it into a career and later a business. In the financial service sector, the work I did practically forced me to become more financially savvy, even with my expensive taste. 

The industry also taught me the fundamental importance of the time and value of money while setting achievable goals for clients and myself within my career. It truly pushed me to start my own small business in this industry to help others set better goals with their own financial and wealth management. I am genuinely thankful that I started in the workforce looking at the end in terms of money for retirement, estate planning, etc. It allowed me to take a better look at money overall and even become more intentional about my spending habits. 

Habits Add Up AND Create Goal Success

Goals are incredible, but it’s the system that makes the goals happen. I learned that our everyday systems and habits impact the obtainability of our goals a lot when I was an athlete, and it helped me set habits to set up better success for your goals. Your habits make up a large portion of your everyday behaviors. So, you have to take a moment to sit back and review your patterns and adjust them to make things more attractive and easier to achieve. The habits, rituals, and processes you have to utilize the system that makes the goals obtainable. 

One important thing I do when setting goals is make them obvious and seen every day. If you make your goal obvious and have it everywhere, it becomes a more significant part of your everyday process and routine to make it possible to happen. For example, I currently have maps and photos of K2 randomly throughout my house. It may sound silly to some yet having that reminder of how I will return this year with fresh eyes, a better plan, and a greater perspective will help me achieve that goal

Another vital thing I always do when it comes to intertwining my habits around my goals is to make them attractive while giving yourself tasks and practices to create while doing everyday tasks. For me, I try to do step-ups while I brush my teeth because it not only keeps me moving but builds up my endurance for my everyday workouts and especially for my climbs. You are creating a habit around a routine daily task by doing this. This ultimately can turn that common task into a habit while it will help you achieve your goal. I also recommend priming your environment for success by removing hindrances that keep you from your goal. If you want to lose weight or reduce your sugar intake, you should remove those items that hinder you from completely doing so from your environment. You have to prime your everyday environment to meet your specific goal. We are creatures of habit, routine, and comfort, so removing the hindrance opportunities is key to creating better habits around your goal. 

Final Thoughts

Motivation comes and goes within all of us. While I feel like willpower has nothing to do with it, knowing yourself and understanding yourself is key to your motivation. Learning who you are and how you achieved your past goals is vital to understanding how to move forward towards future goals. Your habits and behaviors will drive your success or failure ratio when it comes to your goals. Ensuring that you make it attractive, prime your environment, and then create patterns to aid you in achieving your goals will help you ultimately achieve them more easily