Embrace the Climb and Learn to Overcome Obstacles

40 Day Everest Challenge


Conquer your own Everest, build unshakeable resilience, and discover the transformative power of daily self-care.

Scaling Everest might sound like an unreachable feat, but I promise it isn’t. The secret lies in breaking it down into manageable steps. That’s the beauty of this challenge—you’ll learn how to transform daunting tasks into achievable milestones. I’m living proof that facing towering challenges—from juggling the day-to-day demands of motherhood to tackling real mountain summits—can mold you into a better version of yourself. In this 40-day challenge, you’re not just scaling heights; you’re also diving deep into self-care, overcoming real-life obstacles, and crafting a resilience toolkit that will last a lifetime.

Life has a way of throwing curveballs, making us worry about failing or veering off course. The Everest Challenge helps you concentrate on what really matters and equips you to adapt when things don’t go as planned.

Conquer Your Summits

This challenge is about more than just virtual climbing. It’s a metaphor for overcoming the seemingly insurmountable challenges in your life, whether they’re personal, professional, or something in between.

Community and Daily Check-Ins

Every day, you’ll be invited to share your progress, celebrate your wins, and engage with a community that’s also climbing their way to their own summits. It’s a daily dose of accountability and encouragement.

Become Resilient

Sure, reaching the top is cool. But what about the hurdles along the way? You’ll come to see them as growth opportunities, learning to adapt and even pivot when faced with setbacks.

Feeling Stuck? Daunted by Life's Challenges?

When life’s obstacles feel like insurmountable mountains, it’s easy to get stuck in a rut. The Everest Challenge is tailored to jolt you out of your comfort zone, giving you the tools to conquer life’s peaks and valleys. This is about shifting your focus from what’s holding you back to what will propel you forward.


What You'll Gain from the Everest Challenge

Life is more than a race to the top. It’s about how you get there and who you become along the way.

In this challenge, you’ll find a supportive community and daily check-ins to keep you on course. And remember, it’s not just about the climb; it’s about evolving into a resilient, adaptable individual. Besides building physical and mental strength, you’ll become adept at navigating failure and change, enriching both your personal and professional life. You’ll also practice essential self-care to keep your energy reserves full, making the journey as rewarding as the destination.

Climb Your Way to a Resilient, Balanced Life, While Prioritizing Self-Care


Journey through daily climbs and restorative activities crafted to promote self-care while you conquer your own virtual Everest.

Arm yourself with a resilience toolkit filled with methods that help you not only overcome life’s obstacles but also rejuvenate your mind and body.

Harness the power of small, consistent steps to achieve big dreams, while making time to rest, recharge, and reflect.

Scale New Heights with a Community of Fellow Climbers

The journey to the top is best shared with others who get what you’re going through. This Everest Challenge is more than a solo mission; it’s a community-driven experience. You’ll be part of a group dedicated to self-improvement, resilience, and, yes, self-care. This is your safe space to share triumphs, seek advice, and offer your own nuggets of wisdom to others.

When the ascent gets steep or you hit a plateau, this community will be your lifeline for inspiration, support, and creative solutions. With a band of like-minded climbers, the path to the summit—and to a more resilient, balanced life—becomes a collective adventure, rich in shared insights and mutual support.

Why Take the Vertical 40 Everest Challenge with Jenn Drummond?

The advice and strategies you’ll get in this challenge come from my real-world experiences. Whether it’s scaling actual mountains or juggling the complexities of everyday life, I’ve gathered hard-won insights that are both genuine and effective. This isn’t about generic tips; it’s about proven approaches that I’ve personally found valuable in my own quest for balance, resilience, and well-being.

So let’s tackle this challenge head-on, equipped with practical tools for self-care and resilience. Over the next 40 days, we’ll take on each daily climb and each moment of rest as part of a bigger journey toward a balanced, fulfilling life. Are you ready to scale new heights? Let’s do this!