Align With Your Deeper Purpose

Recover and Recharge Challenge


Redefine what success means to you, align with your deeper purpose, and ensure your journey is as rewarding as the destination.

The journey of life isn’t just about reaching milestones; it’s also about how fulfilling and meaningful the journey itself is. The Recover and Recharge Challenge will provide you with the insights and tools to determine what success genuinely means to you. You’ll have the opportunity to align your daily actions with your deeper purpose, ensuring that every step you take not only brings you closer to your goals but also enriches your life along the way.

Life can sometimes get so busy that we forget to pause and take a moment for ourselves every now and then. The next 40 days will be about hitting the pause button and taking a bird’s eye view of what really matters to you.

Daily Guided Video Messages

Receive daily, thoughtfully curated video messages that cover every aspect of your life—from nurturing your body to nourishing your soul.

Personal & Professional Alignment

By focusing on both your personal growth and professional development, this challenge offers a well-rounded approach to recharging your life. It’s not just about work or family; it’s about creating a harmonious balance between the two.

Embrace the Process

While the daily intentions might seem simple, their cumulative effect can result in profound transformations in your life. This challenge is about progress, not perfection.

Are You Burn Out? Do You Feel Unfulfilled?

If your days feel more like a laundry list of tasks rather than a fulfilling journey, it might be time for a reset. Burnout and unfulfillment can sneak up on us quickly. This challenge is designed to help you recover your energy, recharge your purpose, and rediscover the joys in both the grand and simple things in life.


What You’ll Get Out of This Challenge

This challenge—like your life—isn’t just about ticking boxes or striving for an unattainable version of perfection. This challenge is your safe space to explore, experiment, and experience. Some days will bring clarity, while others may be clouded with confusion. And that’s perfectly okay. It’s all part of the process of transformation. Here’s your chance to redefine success on your terms, make meaningful strides in your personal and professional life, and come out the other end refreshed and aligned with who you really are.

Embrace your authentic self, live with intention, and manifest a life that truly resonates with who you are.


Navigate through daily activities and intentional exercises designed to help you identify what really matters to you

Gain a set of tools and techniques that enable you to make choices aligned with your true self

Leverage the power of focused intention to manifest the life you’ve always wanted

Why Take the Recover and Recharge Challenge with Jenn Drummond?

Finding balance and achieving goals isn’t just something I talk about—it’s what I actively pursue in my own life, and my insights come from a place of lived experience. I’m all about authentic, actionable strategies that actually make a difference. During this 40-day challenge, you won’t get generic, one-size-fits-all advice. What you’ll get is the same tried-and-true tactics I use to live a life that’s as fulfilling as it is successful.

Let’s embark on this journey together to uncover your true self, embrace your intentions, and manifest a life that deeply resonates with who you are. Ready to re-write your success story? Come along for this impactful 40-day ride!

Join a Community of Like-Minded Individuals

One of the most underappreciated aspects of any journey is the people you share it with. This challenge doesn’t just offer you guidance and insights; it offers you a community. You’ll join a group of people who, like you, are committed to self-discovery, recharging, and living life with intention. This space is perfect for sharing your breakthroughs, asking for advice, and adding value with your own insights that can benefit others.

When the road gets tough or confusing, you’ll find comfort, encouragement, and maybe even some answers from those who are on the same path. With a strong community, the road to redefining success and achieving your deeper purpose becomes less solitary and even more enriching.