Resilience Redefined:

Jenn Drummond’s
Path to Empowerment

Transform Challenges into Triumphs with Jenn’s BreakProof Methodology

In the dynamic and demanding world of corporate life, resilience and empowerment aren’t just buzzwords, they are essential tools for success. Jenn Drummond—a trailblazer in both the corporate and extreme sports worlds—offers a powerful and unique perspective on harnessing these qualities.

As a seasoned entrepreneur and an extreme athlete who has faced life-threatening challenges, Jenn embodies the very essence of resilience. She brings over two decades of experience in financial services, combined with her remarkable life story, to empower and inspire her audiences.

Jenn's Signature Talk:

A Journey to Resilience and Triumph

In her signature talk, Jenn takes her audience on an inspiring journey, sharing not only her captivating story but also the popular topics that have been instrumental in her path to success. These topics, forged through her own experiences, have both calmed and catapulted her through various challenges, leading her toward achieving a world climbing record.

This talk is a deep dive into the resilience, determination, and mindset that propelled Jenn from surviving a near-fatal accident to thriving as a record-breaking athlete and successful entrepreneur. She unveils the practical steps and mental shifts that anyone can apply, whether in their personal lives or professional endeavors.

Jenn's Key
Topics & Strategies

Empower Your Team
Boost Resilience
Enhance Leadership Skills

Foster a Growth Mindset
Cultivate Mental Toughness
Navigate Challenges Successfully

Unlock Potential
Transform Perspectives

Featured on The Today Show

Leading with Resilience

Empowerment Strategies for Today’s Leaders

In today’s fast-paced world, resilience is a key leadership trait. Jenn dives into how leaders can cultivate this quality within themselves and their teams. She combines insights from her athletic endeavors with her extensive corporate experience to offer a unique perspective on leadership. She talks not just about enduring challenges but thriving through them. Jenn shares practical tips for leaders to maintain a positive attitude, manage stress effectively, and foster a culture of resilience in their teams, ultimately driving towards peak performance.

Embracing Change as a Catalyst for Growth

Adapting and Evolving for Future Success

Change is the only constant, and adapting to it is key to survival and success. Jenn shares her personal experiences of adapting to unexpected life events and how these principles can be applied in a business context. She provides practical strategies for staying agile, responsive, and open-minded in the face of change. She highlights how embracing change can lead to innovation, personal growth, and long-term success, encouraging her audience to view change not as an obstacle but as an opportunity for evolution and improvement.

Who is Jenn Drummond?

Jenn Drummond is more than a speaker; she is a catalyst for change. As a devoted mom of seven and a successful entrepreneur, her journey through a near-fatal car crash to the peaks of the world’s tallest mountains is a testament to her unbreakable spirit. Her mission goes beyond personal achievement – it’s about guiding others to find their resilience and conquer their own summits.

Jenn’s BreakProof philosophy isn’t about avoiding failure; it’s about learning to rise stronger from it. She believes that it’s in our most vulnerable moments that we discover our true strength. Join her, and embark on a journey to transform vulnerability into victory, and challenges into opportunities for growth.

With Jenn, you’ll not only be inspired but also equipped with the mindset and strategies to create your best life and become genuinely BreakProof.


Discover the BreakProof Mindset

Life challenges are inevitable, but crumbling under their weight is not. Jenn Drummond introduces you to the BreakProof mindset – a transformative approach to view obstacles not as roadblocks but as opportunities. Drawing from her personal experiences of conquering mountains and leading a successful business, Jenn shares strategies to foster resilience, adaptability, and perseverance.

Ready to Elevate Your Team’s Potential? Book Jenn Drummond Today for an Empowering Transformation!